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User-Contributed Content

User-contributed content has been around for a long time, in the form of
Usenet Newsgroups. Newsgroups are still around.

A newsgroup devoted to taxes is news:misc.taxes.moderated
William Downs cybercpa You can search for key words using http://groups.google.com/

A new method of collaboration is called a "Wiki", made famous by
WikiPedia the user-created and edited online encyclopedia.

There is a Wiki devoted to taxes, created by Intuit, called taxalmanac.com


The term LISTSERV comes from the UNIX tradition. It provides the means to manage a mailing list, so that messages from any one member are sent to all members of the list. You can subscribe or unsubscribe simply by sending an e-mail message. There is no fee. Volunteers serve as moderators, who keep things orderly and on-topic.
Abbreviations Used In Discussions
Long-time Internet users often use shorthand codes. It can be helpful to learn some of these shorthand codes. Here are some places you can look up acronymns such as IANAL, LOL, etc.